
KLV-Airedale is a general purpose operating system built by the FirstRib build scripts. Using the upstream repositories, KLV-Airedale is Void Linux compatible.

Built with the XFCE4 Desktop

KLV-Airedale is in the Kennel Linux family of operating systems. Built with a XFCE4 Desktop and Void Linux kernel, KLV is a powerhouse in a small package. Based on a FirstRib 'Magic' initrd.gz and Overlayfs for the layering of the read-only system files.



Customizing the XFCE4 desktop to suit your own taste is almost limitless. Many portable applications stored outside of the running file system, run well



A key aspect of FirstRib build design is to use only two components to build the rootfilesystem: busybox + a native standalone static compiled package manager. That design inherently allows FirstRib to construct a fully upstream-compatible root filesystem of any desired complexity, from that of a commandline only system, up to full desktop supported natively by the upstream distro repositories.



